Like Spellbound's earlier creation, Desperados, it utilizes a 2.5D engine with quick action queuing and the ability to see enemy vision cones. Robin Hood : The Legend of Sherwood is an action/adventure/fantasy/historical/real time strategy/role playing game developed by the German studio Spellbound. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace. All new trope pages will be made with the "Trope Workshop" found on the "Troper Tools" menu and worked on until they have at least three examples.

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