However, the Giant Death Robot is not a one-man army! For example, a Modern Armor Army will have a Combat Strength of 107 (which is pretty close to the GDR's), while the GDR itself cannot form Corps and Armies. When it comes to combat, the GDRs function similarly to the Persians' Immortals, as they are capable of both ranged and melee attack, so make sure you click the ranged attack command instead of right clicking when you want to use them to take down city defenses. These include Movement and strength bonuses, the ability to jump over Mountains, and a particle beam cannon that essentially gives it a bombard attack for taking down city defenses.

Unlike every other military unit in the game, the Giant Death Robot does not gain promotions, but instead gains bonuses and boosts through specific technologies in the tech tree. It is titanically strong, it attacks from afar and can even move through water without Embarking! Despite its great size, it can also pass through Mountain Tunnels and Qhapaq Ñan. The Giant Death Robot is the end-game trump card of the Domination Victory seeker.

The Giant Death Robot (GDR) is an Information Era super-unit in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm.