WARNING: Gwyndolin Moonlight Set may cause crash to desktop due to high poly mesh count with HDT rigging. Use the mod "Add Item Menu" to get all armours and weapons. UUNP bodyslides for the Painting Guardian Set, Brass Set, Antiquated Set, Dingy Set, Maiden Set, Gold-Hemmed Black Set, Balder Knight Set, Crimson Set, Xanthous Set, and Witch Set. (Use "Add Item Menu" to better search for items) Witch set can be found in a chest in the College of Winterhold (see picture as well). Most of the armours and weapons can be found in "Mysterious Box" in Riverwood at the right end of Southern entrance (see picture). All sets can be crafted and tempered, with the exception of Havel's set which can only be tempered and the Witch set and Big Hat set is neither craftable or temperable. All sets come with their respective in-game weapons and shields. Pack includes Smough's Set, Black Iron Tarkus Set, Catarina Set, Silver Knight Set, Painting Guardian Set, Wanderer Set, Havel the Rock, Black Knight Set, Armor of Favor Set, Pyromancer Set, Sorcerer Set, Adventurer Set, Thief Set, Warrior Set, Hunter Set, Brass Set, Gwyn's Set, Eastern Set, Armor of Thorns Set, Elite Knight Set, Knight Set, Solaire Set, Ciaran Set, Ornstein Set, Artorias Set, Gough's Set, Channeler's Set, Dark Set, Witch Set, Gwyndolin Moonlight Set, Steel Set, Dingy Set, Shadow Set, Xanthous Set, Maiden Set, Bandit Set, Chain Set, Guardian Set, Stone Knight Set, Crystalline Set, Holy Set, Cleric Set, Paladin Set, Black (Velka) Set, Crimson Set, Iron Golem Set, Big Hat Set, Gold-Hemmed Black Set, Chester Set, Giant (Dad) Set, Balder Knight Set, Antiquated Set. Dark Souls Remastered Pack adds 52 different armour sets and weapons from Dark Souls.